Frequently Asked Questions

When can you deliver?

Within 24/48 hrs po ang shipment process after placing your order po, sunday and holiday is not included. Then after the shipment po, 2-8 days po ang delivery

What is the age limit?

Teenager above (13 y.o and above ang pwede po magtake ng mga product) If 12 years old once a day lang after meals If less than 10 years old, not recommended

Is It FDA Approved?

Teenager above (13 y.o and above ang pwede po magtake ng mga product) If 12 years old once a day lang after meals If less than 10 years old, not recommended

Pwede ba sa Breastfeeding and Pregnant?

For vit c, Yes pwede po ito sa BF/preggy moms, actually beneficial po ito sa mom and the baby. Basta ang bawal po sa pregnant mom/ breastfeeding mom ang gluta and serpentina lang po.